
Ayurvedic Medicine - concept of Healing
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word. Ayur means life and Veda means sacred text or knowledge.
As per Hindu Mythology three Gods control the Universe. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Mahesh is the destroyer. Ayurveda is the knowledge delivered to human beings by Lord Brahma.
Ayurveda dates back to Indus valley civilization which started flourishing in 3000 B. C. There is a reference of Lord Mahavir, a great saint of Jain religion, being treated by Jivak, a guru of Ayurveda, before about 2500 years back. Charak a sage was accounted as a great authority on Ayurveda. A compendium by Charak is known as Charak Sanhita and this is the oldest literature on Ayurveda found in India. Nagarjan also redacted Sushruta Sanhita another compendium of Ayurveda.
As per Hindu Mythology three Gods control the Universe. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Mahesh is the destroyer. Ayurveda is the knowledge delivered to human beings by Lord Brahma.
Ayurveda dates back to Indus valley civilization which started flourishing in 3000 B. C. There is a reference of Lord Mahavir, a great saint of Jain religion, being treated by Jivak, a guru of Ayurveda, before about 2500 years back. Charak a sage was accounted as a great authority on Ayurveda. A compendium by Charak is known as Charak Sanhita and this is the oldest literature on Ayurveda found in India. Nagarjan also redacted Sushruta Sanhita another compendium of Ayurveda.
Sushruta Sanhita puts emphasis on Surgery. Vagbhatta was also a renowned authority on Ayurveda. Ashtanga Hradaya is also a great text by Vagbhatta. As Buddhism was spread in 500 B.C. to next 1000 years to China, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other Far Eastern Countries, along with it Ayurveda also spread to these countries as well. To-day in modern India Ayurveda is being practiced and it is officially approved branch of Alternative Medicine.
As per Hindu philosophy the universe consists of five elements, Akash- the space, Prithavi -the earth, Jala – the water, Vayu – the air and Agni – the fire. These are known as Panch Maha Bhuta. Ayurvedic pharmacology is based on these five elements.
As per Ayurveda a human body consists of three humors. Humor is a fluid that constitutes human body and the temperament. The three humors are known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are also known as tridosha.
Tridosha are formed by a combination of five elements shown above.
For healthy body and healthy mind a perfect balance of Tridosha is required. Any change in balanced proportion causes illness.
As medicine Ayurveda uses mainly materials from plant origin, some natural minerals and some materials from animal origin. In Ayurveda many of the materials from Plant kingdom have been studied and it is found that each herb has tendency to enhance or reduce Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Correction of Vata, Pitta or Kapha brings back the required balance and health.
As per Hindu philosophy the universe consists of five elements, Akash- the space, Prithavi -the earth, Jala – the water, Vayu – the air and Agni – the fire. These are known as Panch Maha Bhuta. Ayurvedic pharmacology is based on these five elements.
As per Ayurveda a human body consists of three humors. Humor is a fluid that constitutes human body and the temperament. The three humors are known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are also known as tridosha.
Tridosha are formed by a combination of five elements shown above.
For healthy body and healthy mind a perfect balance of Tridosha is required. Any change in balanced proportion causes illness.
As medicine Ayurveda uses mainly materials from plant origin, some natural minerals and some materials from animal origin. In Ayurveda many of the materials from Plant kingdom have been studied and it is found that each herb has tendency to enhance or reduce Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Correction of Vata, Pitta or Kapha brings back the required balance and health.
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