
Abroma Augusta, Devill's Cotton, Indian Hemp, Ulat Kambal

Botanical Name : Abroma Augusta

English Name : Devil’s Cotton,  Indian Hemp

Hindi Name : Ulat Kambal


This tree is common in many parts of India. It is also found in Pakistan and many Asian countries.

This tree is a member of Sterculiaceae plant family.

This is a tree growing to a height of about 3 to 4 meters. The leaves are repand, narrow and entire. The flowers are 5 cm. in diameter. The sepals are lanceolate. The petals re 5 and purple to dark red, concave, and prolonged above into a large spoon shaped lamina. The capsules are memebraneous. The seeds are many. The flowering season is July to August.


In Ayurveda the juice of fresh leaves is very useful in female diseases of uterus and menstruation. It regulates the menstrual flow and acts as an uterine tonic. a good quality fibre is obtained from this plant.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Abromine is obtained from this plant.

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