Abutilon Glaucum
Abutilon glaucum, Indian Mellow, Bal Bij
Botanical Name : Abutilon glaucum
English Name : Indian Mellow
Hindi Name : Bal Bij
Sanskrit Name : Bal Bij
Abutilon glaucum is a plant found in many parts of India.
This plant is a member of Malvaceae plant family. It is also known as Abutilon pannosum.
This is an under shrub with a height of about 140 Cms. The leaves are 10 Cm. In length. Broadly ovate, petiolate, Grey or whitish, and velvety.
The flowers are bright yellow in color, axillary, and solitary. The flowering season is from August to December.
The seeds are reniform, blackish-brown, orbicular and depressed at the top
In Ayurveda the plant is used as pectoral and diuretic.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Gujarati: Makhmali kapat
Marathi: Karandi
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