Acacia Catechu
Acacia catechu, Cutch Tree, Khair
Botanical Name : Acacia catechu
English Name : Cutch Tree
Hindi Name : Khair
Sanskrit Name : Khadira
Acacia catechu is a tree common in India It is commonly found south India.
This tree is a member of Mimosaceae plant family..
This is a thorny tree, it grows to a height of 5-12 meters. The bark is light-black and rough. The leaves are pinnate. The leaflets are 40 to 60 pairs, imbricating, linear oblong. The flowers are creamy white. The pods are lanceolate, glabrous, and are pale to dark brown. The seeds are elliptical-oblong, smooth, glabrous and brown.
In Ayurveda the leaves, bark and hard wood are used for treatment of cough,skin diseases and as astringent, digestive
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Catechin, catechutannic acid and tannin are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Kher
Marathi and Kannada: Khair
Telugu: Khasu, khadirmu
Malayalam: karnilli
Tamil: Vodalle