Adhatoda Beddomei
Adhatoda beddomei, Vasaca small, Arusha chhota
Botanical Name : Adhatoda beddomei
English Name : Vasaca small
Hindi Name : Arusha chhota
Sanskrit Name : Atrush sweta
Adhatoda beddomei is a plant common in India. In India it is commonly found on arid land.This variety of Adhatoda differs from Adhatoda vasica in color and size of leaves.The leaves are white-green and smaller in case of Adhatoda beddomei, while leaves of Adhatoda vasica are bigger in size and blackish green in color.
This plant is a member of Acanthaceae plant family..
This is an evergreen herb, growing to a height of 80 cms. The flowers are white. The flowering season is through out the year.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Vasicine is obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Ardushi
Marathi: Adulsa
Bengali: Vaksa, Vasak
Kannada: Aadsoge
Telugu: Aadasaar, Adaapaaku
Tamil: Aaddadodai