Aerva Javanica
Aerva javanica, kapok bush, Safed Shamli
Botanical Name : Aerva javanica
English Name : kapok bush
Hindi Name : Safed Shamli
Sanskrit Name : Kutashamli
Aerva javanica is a plant common toCentral America, Asia, and Africa.In India it is commonly found on arid land.
This plant is a member of Amaranthaceae plant family.
This is an erect wooly-tomentose under shrub or shrub. This herb is about 1 meter tall.The leaves are ovate-lanceolate or linear oblong, greenish white tomentosa. The spikes are greenish white and often leafless, terminal panicles. The utricular orbicular ovoid, thin with dark brown polished seeds.The flowering season is July to January.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
a-Amyrin and chrysin are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Safed Shimlo
Marathi: Shamli
Bengali: Swet Shimul
Kannada: Dudi
Tamil: Pancu
Telugu: Tellaburaga