
Agave americana, Century plant, Ketaki, Gwarpatha

Botanical Name : Agave americana

English Name : Century plant

Hindi Name : Ketaki, Gwarpatha

Sanskrit Name : Vanketaki, Kantal


Agave americana is a plant common to Mexico and Central America.In India it is commonly found on arid land.

This plant is a member of Agavaceae plant family..

This is a perennial plant about 1.5 metres tall. The leaves are in dense rosette, stiff and spreading in all directions, flat or concave, sword shape, about 1.5 mt. long, 7.5 cms. wide and 4.5 cms. thick.margins smooth or bear a few small teeth. The epidermies are leathery, and grey green in colour. Inflorescence emerge from the center of the rosette. The flowers are with bad odour.


In Ayurveda the plant is used for treatment of rheumatoid artheritis, sciatica.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

isoflavonoids are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Ketaki

Marathi: Ketaki, Ghaipaat

Kannada: Kantala

Telugu: Kalabanda

Malayalam: Yerope Kait


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