Ageratum conyzoides
Ageratum conyzoides, Whiteweed, Goatweed, Sahdevi
Botanical Name : Ageratum conyzoides
English Name : Whiteweed, Goatweed
Hindi Name : Sahdevi
Sanskrit Name : Mahabala, Sahdevi, Pitapushpi
Ageratum conyzoides is a shrubb commonly found in India, generally during rainy season. It is also found in many parts and climates of the world. It is found in North and Central America. Sometimes shrubb “Vernonia cinenrea” is also called Sahdevi, but true or foul-smelling Sahdevi or Osadi is Ageratum conyzoides
This tree is a member of Asteraceae plant family.
This is an annual hairy herb. The leaves are opposite or upper alternate, broadly ovate, subacute, crenate, margins ciliate, base cunniate and hairy. Flowering season is November to March. The flowers are white to pale blue with bad odour. The head form in terminal corymbs. invol-bracts, linear, acute and ribbed. Ovary onferior, style-arm elongated. Cypsela angled black.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Glucoside and benzofuran derivatives are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Sahdevi, Sedardi
Marathi And Kannada: Sahdevi, Ghanari Osadi
Bengali: Dandotpal
Tamil: Nechati
Malyalam: Parina Puvarkuntalaa