Bryophyllum calycinum, Airplant, Leaf of life, Life Plant, Parnphuti, Amar Poi
Botanical Name : Bryophyllum calycinum
English Name : Airplant, Leaf of life, Life Plant
Hindi Name : Parnphuti, Amar Poi
Sanskrit Name : Parnasfut
Airplant or Bryophyllum is a herb common in India. It is found in many parts of the world, like USA, Brazil, Nepal, Pakistan.
This plant is a member of Crassulaceae plant family.
This is a perennial succulent, glabrous, about 1 meter tall herb. It has obtusely qudrangular stem, the younger parts are reddish in color. The leaves are opposite, decussate, the lowers are usually simple and upper usually 4 – 7 foliate, flashy and roundish with dentate margins, long petioled. The lateral veins are furnished with rooting vegetative buds. The flowers are reddish purple, pendulus, in large spreading panicles. The fruits are membranous follicles. The seeds are small, round or oval.
In Ayurveda the leaves, are used for treatment of vomiting of blood, acute inflammation, and menorrhagia
Obtained Chemical Compounds
In Ayurveda the leaves, are used for treatment of vomiting of blood, acute inflammation, and menorrhagia
Gujarati: Panphutti, Ghamari
Bangali:Kop patta
Marathi: Ghaamari
Tamil: Runakkalli
Malayalam: Elamarunna