Alangium Salviifolium
Alangium salviifolium, Sage-leaf Alangium, Ankol, Vang
Botanical Name : Alangium salviifolium
English Name : Sage-leaf Alangium
Hindi Name : Ankol, Vang
Sanskrit Name : Ankol
Alangium salviifolium is a tree found in India. It is also found in Western Africa, Madagascar, Southern Asia, Philippines and tropical Australia, and the Pacific Islands .
This tree is a member of Alangeceae plant family..
This is Tall thorny tree . It grows to a height of about 3 to 10 meters.The bark is ash colored, rough and faintly fissured. The leaves are elliptic oblong, elliptic lanceolate or oblong lanceolate. The flowers are greenish white, fascilcled, axillary or on old wood. The berries are ovoid, ellipsoid or nearly globose.glabrous, smooth and violet to purple. The flowering season is February to June.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
a- and b- Alangine, Alangicin, Marckindine, Tubulosin and emitine are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Ankol
Marathi: Ankol
Bengali: Ankod, Dhala Ankor
Kannada: Ankule, Ankolmara
Telugu: Ankolam, Urgu
Tamil and Malayalam: Ankolam, Arinjl, Allandi