Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, Aloe barbedensis, Indian aloe, Barbados aloe, Ghikunvaar, Kunvar Pathaa

Botanical Name : Aloe vera, Aloe barbedensis

English Name : Indian aloe, Barbados aloe

Hindi Name : Ghikunvaar, Kunvar Pathaa

Sanskrit Name : Kumari


Aloe Vera is a native of Africa but it is found and cultivated in many countries of the world.

Aloe Vera is a member of Aloaceae plant family. This is a perennial plant. This is a small herb with stolons. The leaves are radical, very flashy, broad at base and narrow at apex. The leaves are pale green with distant horny prickles on the margin. The flowers bloom in August to December, on long scapes, yellow, orange and scarlet raceme.


The juice of the leaves is used in cosmetic for the skin treatments. The gel derived from the leaves have so many varied uses like cure for Diabetes, gastric disorders, burns, cosmetic, skin care etc.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Aloe gel and Aloin are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Kuvanr paathu


Bengali: Ghritkumari

Kannada: Loisar, Kattaligid

Tamil: Katale

Telugu: Kaalabaanda, Pinnagorintkalvand

Malayalm: Kattavalla


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Medical Plants

Herbs and human health can never be separated

Herbal Remedies

herbal remedies derived from herbs and spices

Indian Spices

Spice enhances the flavor of food.


Know Importance of health in ayurveda

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