Alpinia Galanga

Alpinia galanga, Thai ginger, Siamese ginger, Kolingen

Botanical Name : Alpinia galanga

English Name : Thai ginger, Siamese ginger

Hindi Name : Kolingen

Sanskrit Name : Konvacha


Alpinia galanga is a plant commonly found in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Laos. In Thailand and Indonesia it is mainly used for culinary purpose. The The robust rhizome has a sharp, sweet taste and smells like a blend of black pepper and pine needles.

This herb is a member of Zingerberaceae plant family.

This is a perennial herb. The rootstock are tubular robust and aeromatic. The sweet smelling leaves are oblong lanceolate, acute, margins whitesheath long and ligule rounded. The flowers blossom in Aptil to May in many panicle and white. The fruits are red and have aroma similar to cardamom.


In Ayurveda the plant is useful in toothache, headache, excessive urination. The red fruits are used in Chinese medicine . The essantial oil has anti bacterial prpoperty.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Diarylheptanoid are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Kolinjan

Marathi: Koshta Kulinchan, Kulinjan

Kannada: Kolanjan, Rasmi

Tamil: Arattai

Malayalam: Aratta

Telugu: Kacchuramu, Sannadumparashtramu


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Medical Plants

Herbs and human health can never be separated

Herbal Remedies

herbal remedies derived from herbs and spices

Indian Spices

Spice enhances the flavor of food.


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