Alstonia scholaris
Alstonia scholaris, Dita Bark, Satvin
Botanical Name : Alstonia scholaris
English Name : Dita Bark
Hindi Name : Satvin
Sanskrit Name : Saptaparni
Alstonia scholaris is a tree common in India It is commonly found south India. This tree is also native to Srilanka, Indonesia, and Philippines.
This tree is a member of Apocynaceae plant family.
This is a tall evergreen tree. It grows to a height of 25 meters, with a tall trunk and whorled branches, it has bitter milky juice. The leaves are up to 20 cms. long, and are in whorles of 5-7, shortly stalked, lanceolate or obovate-oblong. The mid rib is very prominent beneath leathery. The bark is Grey colored, uneven and rough, with many lenticels on the younger branches. The bark is very bitter in taste. Ditamine an useful alkaloid is obtained from this tree.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Ditamine, Echitamine, Alastonine, Echitamidine are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Satvin, Saptaparni
Marathi: Satvin
Bengali: Chhatim
kannada: Elleleg
Tamil: Ezilai pillai
Malayalam: Daivappala