Phyllanthus emblica, Indian Gooseberry, Emblic myrobalans, Amla
Botanical Name : Phyllanthus emblica
English Name : Indian Gooseberry, Emblic myrobalans
Hindi Name : Amla
Sanskrit Name : Amalaki, Dhatrifala
Amla is a tree native to India.
Amla is a member of Euphorbiaceae plant family. This is a small deciduous tree. The leaves are small, linear, and obtuse and appear like pinnate leaves. The flowers bloom in February to May. The flowers are greenish yellow in color. The fruits are fleshy, globular with 6 obscure, vertical furrows. The fruits when ripe are yellow in color.
The fruits being very rich in Vitamin C are extensively used in man formulations of Ayurveda. The fruits are good tonic for general vitality. Amla forms an important part of Triphala a well known Ayurvedic medicine for good health and improving body resistance.The fruits either fresh or dried are used as Ayurvedic medicine.
Gujarati: Amla
Marathi: Aanvale
Bengali: Amalaki
Kannada: Nallamaraa
Telugu: Usharkai, Nelli
Tamil: Nallamar
Malayalam: Amalkam, Nelli
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