Amoranthus Polygamus

Amaranthus polygamus, Hermophrodite Amaranthus, Tandaljo, Cholai

Botanical Name : Amaranthus polygamus

English Name : Hermophrodite Amaranthus

Hindi Name : Tandaljo, Cholai

Sanskrit Name : Tandulik


Amaranthus polygamus is cultivated in India and Pakistan as vegetable. The tender leaves are cooked and eaten as spinach.

This herb is a member of Amaranthaceae plant family.

This is a small prostrate annual herb. This herb is much branched from the base.The leaves are alternet, oblanceolate – oblong and rounded. The leaves are often notched at the apex and the base is tapering. The flowers blossom in December to March. The flowers are in axilary spikes or clusters. The seeds are black.


The plant specially the leaves are used as vegetable after being cooked. In Ayurveda the plant is useful as very good detoxin to remove toxicity of chemicals and snake venoms. The roots are very much useful for this purpose. The seeds are said to be Aphrodite. The crushed leaves applied on hair increases the health of hair.Useful green and yellow natural dyes are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Tandaljo

Marathi: Tandulja

Bengali: Kantanatte, Goyalnatte

Tamil: Mullukurai

Telugu: Kui korra, Chirikurra, Molakurra
Malayalam:Chiruchida, Sapejmarj


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