Anamirta Cocculus
Anamirta cocculus, Fishberry, Kakmari
Botanical Name : Anamirta cocculus
English Name : Fishberry
Hindi Name : Kakmari
Sanskrit Name : Kakmari, Kakaghni
Anamirta cocculus is found in India and south Asia.
This herb is a member of Menispermaceae plant family.
Thia is a climbing shrub. The bark is grooved. the leaves are ovate, cordate or truncate at the base, acute five nerved, glabrous above and pale beneath. The petiols are 2-6 inch long, thickened at the base and apex. The flowers are pennicles from old branches, buds are globose. The fruits are globose like bunch of grapes and black in colour.
The seeds yield a fixed oil used as germiside and skin diseases like ringworm The fruits are used as poison for fish.The stem and the roots contain alkaloids, such as berberine. Picrotoxin is obtained from the seeds. The all parts of plant being toxic should not be used internally.
Gujarati: Rati Piludi, Kakmari
Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Bengali: Kakmari
Tamil: Kakfulli
Malayalam: Bhinnamu
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