Argyreia Nervosa

Argyreia nervosa, Elephant creeper, Vidhara, Samudra Soka

Botanical Name : Argyreia nervosa

English Name : Elephant creeper

Hindi Name : Vidhara, Samudra Soka

Sanskrit Name : Vriddadaru, Murva


Argyreia nervosa is a plant common in India

This plant is a member of Convolvulaceae plant family.

This is a greyish-whitish tomentosa, stout, woody twiner. The leaves are about 33X31 cms. in size. The leaves are broadly ovate, whitish-tomentose beneath. The flowers are in axillary, capitate cymes. The berries are 1-2 cms. across, globose, smooth, and glabrous. The flowering season is August-October.


In Ayurveda the leaves, seeds, the fruits and the roots are used for treatment of dyspepsia, anorexia, diabetes, and various skin diseases.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Tannin and Resins acidic in nature, are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Samudra Soka

Marathi: Guggali, Samudra Soka

Kannada : Samudra halle

Bengali: Bichtarak, Goguli

Tamil: Katar pallai, Samuttira Pallai, Telugu: Chandra Podda

Malayalam: Samudrapacha


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