Argyreia Nervosa
Argyreia nervosa, Elephant creeper, Vidhara, Samudra Soka
Botanical Name : Argyreia nervosa
English Name : Elephant creeper
Hindi Name : Vidhara, Samudra Soka
Sanskrit Name : Vriddadaru, Murva
Argyreia nervosa is a plant common in India
This plant is a member of Convolvulaceae plant family.
This is a greyish-whitish tomentosa, stout, woody twiner. The leaves are about 33X31 cms. in size. The leaves are broadly ovate, whitish-tomentose beneath. The flowers are in axillary, capitate cymes. The berries are 1-2 cms. across, globose, smooth, and glabrous. The flowering season is August-October.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Tannin and Resins acidic in nature, are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Samudra Soka
Marathi: Guggali, Samudra Soka
Kannada : Samudra halle
Bengali: Bichtarak, Goguli
Tamil: Katar pallai, Samuttira Pallai, Telugu: Chandra Podda
Malayalam: Samudrapacha