Aristolochia Indica
Aristolochia indica, Indian Birthwort, Huka Bel, Ishar mul
Botanical Name : Aristolochia indica
English Name : Indian Birthwort
Hindi Name : Huka Bel, Ishar mul
Sanskrit Name : Ishwari, Ahigandha
Aristolochia indica is a climber common in India.
This plant is a member of Aristolochiaceae plant family..
This is a twinning woody herb. The leaves are about 9X5 cms. in size, ovate-elliptic or panduriform, glabrous. eract herb or under shrub. It is stout and glabrous. It grows to a height of about 90 cms. The leaves The flowers are few, in short, axillary fascicles. The capsules are 2 to 3 cms. long, oblong or globose oblong, black on drying. The seeds are flat,deltoid-ovate, acute and winged. The flowering season September to October.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Gujarati: Sapsun, Nani nolvel
Marathi: Sampsund, Sapsan
Bengali: Isharmul
Malayalam: Gaudakotti