
Terminalia Arjuna, Arjuna, Arjuna, Kauha

Botanical Name : Terminalia Arjuna

English Name : Arjuna

Hindi Name : Arjuna, Kauha

Sanskrit Name : Arjuna


Terminalia Arjuna is a tree native to India. This is a common garden tree.

This tree is a member of Combretaceae plant family. This is a large tree with white bark. The leaves are sub opposite, ovate-oblong, oblique at the base with 2 glands at the top, beneath the blade. The flowers bloom in April to May. The flowers are in short axillary spikes, bracteoles minute. The flowers are yellow in color.


The bark contains calcium and tannins. The bark is very useful for heart disease.The powdered bark is useful in bringing down high pulse rate to normal. The bark is used for Ayurvedic medicinal purpose.

Gujarati: Arjun sajad, Dhoro Sajad

Marathi: Arjun Sadara, Pandhara Aain

Kannada: Nirmatti, Tore Mutti, Sohonne

Tamil: Marutu, Marunda

Telugu: Maddichettu

Malayalam: Nirmaruttu


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