
Withania Somnifera, Winter cherry Indian, Ashwagandha

Botanical Name : Withania Somnifera

English Name : Winter cherry Indian

Hindi Name : Ashwagandha

Sanskrit Name : Ashwagandh


Ashwagandha is a native herb of India and Sri Lanka. Ashwagandha is a member of Solanaceae plant family. This is a small hairy small shrub. The leaves are ovate, acute and hairy. The flowers bloom in September to November. The greenish yellow flowers are about 5 together in umbellate cymes. The berries are red with yellow seeds. The whole plant has odor like horse. The Sanskrit name is derived from that odor. Ashwa Meaning horse and Gandha meaning odor.


The root is a tonic, sedative and used for general vitality. To treat nervous disorders. It is also useful in bronchitis, Asthma and heart diseases The roots are useful as Ayurvedic medicinal herb.

Gujarati: Asundh, ashwagandha,

Marathi: Asgundh

Kannada: Abhaberu, Hireberru

Tamil & Malayalam: Amukkuram

Telugu: Vajigandha


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