
Aegle Marmelos, Wood apple, Indian Quince, Bel, Bael

Botanical Name : Aegle Marmelos

English Name : Wood apple, Indian Quince

Hindi Name : Bel, Bael

Sanskrit Name : Bilva, Shivafal


Bael, a Sacred tree of India, is mentioned in very old Literature. This tree is native to India, but is also found in Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

Bael is a tree from Rutaceae plant family. This is a small thorny tree. The leaves are 3 foliate. The leaflets are lancelet. The flowers bloom in April to May. Color of the flower is greenish white. The fruits are globosely with woody rind yellowish in color. The pulp of the fruit is sweet and orange in color.


The pulp of the fruit is used for making Jam and pickles. The pulp is very good for curing digestive disorders. It is also a good tonic for general vitality. The leaves are used for religious purpose in India. Tender fruits and pulp of ripe and matured fruits, are converted into Jam etc. The fruits besides being medicine are good herbal supplement. Roots are also used as medicinal herb.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Marmalosin, coumarin, embelliferone are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Billi

Marathi: Maredu

Kannada: Bilvapatre

Bengali: Bel

Tamil And Malayalam: Vilvam

Telugu: Sandiliyamu


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Indian Spices

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