
Aegle Marmelos, Wood apple, Indian Quince, Bel, Bael

Botanical Name : Balanites aegyptica

English Name : Soapberry tree, Deseart Date

Hindi Name : Hingot, Gaudi

Sanskrit Name : Ingudi


Balanites aegyptica, is a herb common in India. It is found in Israel, Sudan,and Jordan.

This plant is a member of Balanitaceae plant family.

This is an armed deciduous,bushy shrub or small tree with a height of about 2 to 4 meters. The leaves are 2 foliate, petiolate. The leaflets are elliptical-oblong or obovate oblong, glaucous-green, pubescent. The flowers are pale greenish – yellow, in axillary fascicles cymes. The drupes are ovoid and yellowish green when ripe. The flowering season is July to December.


In Ayurveda the leaves, seeds and the fruits are used as purgative and anthelmintic. It is also useful in burns,cough, colic. Natural herbal soap may contain in berries of this tree.

Gujarati: Ingoria

Marathi: Hingni, Hinganbat

Kannada: Ingalgid, Ingla, Hingul

Bengali: Ingot

Telugu: Garaa


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Medical Plants

Herbs and human health can never be separated

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Indian Spices

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