
Adansonia digitata, Baobab, Monkey-bread tree, Gorakh-Imli

Botanical Name : Adansonia digitata

English Name : Baobab, Monkey-bread tree

Hindi Name : Gorakh-Imli

Sanskrit Name : Goraxi,


Baobab or Adansonia digitata is a tree commonly found in India, but it is also found in Africa and Australia.

This tree is a member of Malvaceae plant family.

This is a very big tree with the trunk of very large dimension at the base and gradually becoming narrower at the apex. The leave are compound, digitate and deciduous. The leaflets are 3-9, entire, obovate, acute. and petioles hairy. The flowers are whitish in color blossoming in night. The fruit is a big oblong,woody amphisarca, the cells are filled with farinaceous acid pulp. The seeds are reniform embedded in the pulp. The flowering season is May to June.


In Ayurveda the pulp of the fruit is useful in treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.

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Gujarati: Gorakh Amli, Rukhdo

Marathi: Gorakh Chinch

Bengali: Gadhagachh

Kannada: Goraksha Tunchi, Magimatru

Tamil: Papparappuli

Telugu: Brahma aamlika


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