Barleria Prionitis
Adansonia digitata, Baobab, Monkey-bread tree, Gorakh-Imli
Botanical Name : Barleria prionitis
English Name : porcupine flower
Hindi Name : Kantsaria, Vajradanti
Sanskrit Name : Kurantak
Barleria prionitis is a herb common in India It is found in many parts of the world, like USA, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Naharu.
This plant is a member of Acanthaceae plant family../p>
This is an eract bushy shrub.The height is about 1.5 metres. The leaves are narrowly to broadly elliptic lanceolate, entire, and appraised hairy beneath.The flowers are yellow, in axillary, spikate clusters and in terminal. The spikes are 10 cms. in length, axillary and in terminals. The capsules are brown glabrescent, and beaked. The seeds are orbicular compressed and hairy. The flowering season is September to March.
In Ayurveda the leaves and the tender branches are used for treatment of tooth ache, strengthening of gums, whooping cough and premature ejeculation.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.
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Gujarati: Kantashario, Vajradanti
Marathi: Koranti
Bengali: Zanti
Kannada: Mullu Goranti
Tamil: Kundan
Telugu: Goredun
Malayalm: Kuttivetila