Convolvulus Pluricaulis, Bindweed, Kaudiali, Shankhahuli
Botanical Name : Convolvulus Pluricaulis
English Name : Bindweed
Hindi Name : Kaudiali, Shankhahuli
Sanskrit Name : Shankhpushpi,ishnukranta
Convolvulus is an herb native to India. This herb is found in many parts of the country.
Convolvulus Pluricaulis is a member of Convolvulaceae plant family. Other synonyms are Convolvulus prostratus, Convolvulus microphyllus
This is a small prostrate creeping herb. The leaves are variable, ovate-oblong and obtuse or pointed. The flowers bloom in December to April. The flowers are white or pink. The shape of the flower is like Shankh (a marine shell) that is why the name is Shankhpushpi. (Pushpa meaning flower)
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.
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Gujarati: Shankhpushpi, Shankhavali
Marathi: Shankhahuli
Kannada: Kadvalmar