Black Myrobalan

Terminalia chebula, Black Myrobalan, Harde

Botanical Name : Terminalia chebula

English Name : Black Myrobalan

Hindi Name : Harde

Sanskrit Name : Haritaki


Myrobalan Chebulic is a tree native to India.

Myrobalan Chebulic is a member of Combretaceae plant family. This is a small tree. The leaves are alternate, elliptic oblong in addition, base is rounded. The flowers bloom in April to June in addition, are in terminal spikes. Drupes are ellipsoid. The stone is oblong and bony.


The fruits are used as tanning agent. The fruits in dried form are used as mild laxative. Haritaki purifies the blood. It also forms a part of trio in Triphala. The fruits are used in Ayurvedic medicines.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.

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Gujarati: Ratna Gunja, Moti Chanothi

Marathi: Thorlagunj, Ratangunj

Bengali: Ranjana

Kannada: Ane golaganji

Tamil: Ani kundamani, Manjadi

Malayalam: Sem, Manchadi

Telugu: Gurivenda, Enugaguruginji


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