Bryonopsis laciniosa, Lollipop plant, Shivlingi
Botanical Name : Bryonopsis laciniosa
English Name : Lollipop plant
Hindi Name : Shivlingi
Bryonopsis laciniosa is a herb common in India It is found in many parts of the world, like USA. This is counted as an invasive plant.
This plant is a member of Cucurbitaceae plant family.
This is a herbaceous, slender, extensive, monoecious climber.The leaves are palmately 3-7 lobed, membranous, and glabrous. The flowers are creamy white, in axillary fascicles. The berries are nearly sphericle and smooth. The seeds are obovate, creamy-white or pale yellow, minutely scorbiculate. The flowering season is August to December.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.
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Gujarati: Ratna Gunja, Moti Chanothi
Marathi: Thorlagunj, Ratangunj
Bengali: Ranjana
Kannada: Ane golaganji
Tamil: Ani kundamani, Manjadi
Malayalam: Sem, Manchadi
Telugu: Gurivenda, Enugaguruginji