Butea monosperma, Flame of the forest, Palash, Dhak
Botanical Name : Butea monosperma
English Name : Flame of the forest
Hindi Name : Palash, Dhak
Sanskrit Name : Palash
Butea Monosperma is a common garden tree of India. This tree is also found in Malaysia and South East Asia.
Butea Monosperma is a tree of Fabaceae plant family. This is also known as Butea frondosa, Erythrina monosperma, Plaso monosperma
This is a small tree. The leaves are three foliate. Leaflets are coriaceous and round. The flowers bloom in February to March. The flowers are in big racemes and bright orange red in color. The petals are silky and hairy.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.
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Gujarati: Khakharo, Kesudo, Palas
Marathi: Palas
Bengali: Palasgachh
Kannada: Muttulu, Kempmuttul
Tamil: parsan
Telugu: Matukachettu