Caesalpinia Crista

Caesalpinia crista, Teri pods, Fever nut, Kanchak

Botanical Name : Caesalpinia crista

English Name : Teri pods, Fever nut

Hindi Name : Kanchak

Sanskrit Name : Putrakaranj


Barleria prionitis is a herb common in India It is found in many parts of the world, like other parts of Asia, Australia, Indonesia,Malaysia, Philippines.

In Ayurveda Caesalpinia crista (other synonyms Caesalpinia bonduc, Caesalpinia bonducella, Guilandina bonduc) is known as kanchak in Hindi,and Putrakaranj in Sanskrit, while Caesalpinia digyna is known as Ghritkaranj in Sanskrit and Wankeri in Hindi. This herb is from Cisalpineaceae plant family.

This is an extensive scandent shrub. The leaves are about 18 cms.long, the pinnae about 18 pairs. The leaflets are elliptic oblong,glabrous above and puberulours beneath.The flowers are yellow, in approximately 15 cms. long terminal racemes. The pods are about 8 to 4.5 cms ovoid oblong, somewhat flattened.The seeds are oblong,smooth, polished and lead-coloured.The flowering season is July to December.


In Ayurveda the seeds, the leaves and the bark all three parts are used. The herb is useful for treatment of amenorrhoea,dysmenorrhoea, diabetes and intermitant fevers. Also, used as fabrifuge, anthelimintic and expectorant.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Amino acids, Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids are obtained from this plant.

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Gujarati:Kanchaki, Kankachia

Marathi: Sagargotta, Gajra

Hindi: Katuk Ranja, Karanjava

Bengali: Lata Karancha

Kannad: Gujugu, Gaduggu

Tamil: Kalarkodi

Telugu: Guchepikka Kachkai


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