Cassia Absus
Cassia absus, pig's senna,four-leaved cassia, Bankulthi, Chaksu
Botanical Name : Cassia absus
English Name : pig’s senna,four-leaved cassia
Hindi Name : Bankulthi, Chaksu
Sanskrit Name : Aranyakullithaka
Cassia absus is a herb common in India It is found in mainly in western parts of India.
This plant is a member of Caesalpiniacea plant family.
This is a suffruiticose, eract herb with a height of about 2 meters, clothed with white pubescnce. The eaves are about 5 cms. long, the leaflets are ovate-oblong or ovate elliptic. The flowers are pale yellow or tinged red, in terminals and leaf opposed in long racemes. The pods are linear lanceolate, dark brown and glabrascent. The seeds are 3 to 5 shining black,smooth, glabrous, compressed and oblong. The flowering season is August to December.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Cashew nut shell liquid resin (CNSL), Cardanol and anacadic acid are main chemicals obtained from this tree.
Gujarati: Chimed
Marathi: Ivala, Rankulith, Ranhulge
Kannada: Kann kutakin bij, Kadhulig
Bengali: Bankulthi, Banku kirti kalay