Allium schoenoprasum, Chives, Chaives, Choti Pyaz
Botanical Name : Allium schoenoprasum
English Name : Chives
Hindi Name : Chaives, Choti Pyaz
Allium schoenoprasum is a plant common to Europe, America, and Asia.
This plant is a member of Liliaceae plant family..
This is a bulbous herb, growing to a height of 30 cm. The leaves are linear, flat and acuminate. The flowers are The flowers are pinkish white, in umbel on the top of a trigonal stalk, arising from the bulb. All the parts of the herb have an aromatic flavor.
In Ayurveda the leaves, seeds are said to have antibacterial property. The herb is useful for the treatment of haemoptysis, epistaxis, cough and sore throat. The herb due to aromatic flavor is useful for culinary purpose.
The plant contains antioxidant enzymes
The plant contains antioxidant enzymes
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Taubasin and Serpentine from the root. Vincristine and vinblastin from the leaves.
Gujarati: Baarmaasi
Marathi: Sadafuli
Bengali: Nayantara
Malayalam: Shavam Naari
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