
Chrysanthemum indicum, Chrysanthemum, Mums, Sevanti, Guldoudi

Botanical Name : Chrysanthemum indicum

English Name : Chrysanthemum, Mums

Hindi Name : Sevanti, Guldoudi

Sanskrit Name : Bhadra-Taruni


Chrysanthemum indicum is a herb common in India. It is found in many parts of the tropical world, like USA, Australia, Africa and southeast Asia, China, and Japan

This plant is a member of Asteracea plant family.

This is an eract, glabrous,annual herb. It reaches to a height of about 40 cms. The leaves are alternates and about 7 cms. long bipinnatified, segments secondarily lobbed, ultimate segements broadly linear or cuneate. The heads are about 0.5 cms. accross, pedunculate with yellow or golden yellow, spreading in involucral bracts. The achenes are linear oblong, sub-compressed, the outer ones tubercled dorsally, 3 grooved oneach face, the inner ones not tubercled, and ridged on each face.


In Ayurveda the flowers are used for treatment of fever, headache, opthalmia, hypertension.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Chrysenthamin and Vitamin A

Gujarati: Baarmaasi

Marathi: Sadafuli

Bengali: Nayantara

Malayalam: Shavam Naari


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Medical Plants

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Indian Spices

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