Citrus medica, citron, Bijora
Botanical Name : Citrus medica
English Name : citron
Hindi Name : Bijora
Sanskrit Name : Bijpur,matulung
Citron is a herb common in India. It is found in many parts of the tropical world, Mediterranean, South and central America.
This plant is a member of Rutaceae plant family.
This is a large shrub attaining a height of about 6 meters, with pale yellow greenish, thorny bark. The leaflets are elliptic oblong or elliptic ovate, glabrous or gland dotted. perennial under shrub, it grows to a height of about 24 cms. The bark is cinnamon brown in color. The leaves are glabrous. The flowers are white, solitary, axillary and fragrant. The berries are globose or ovoid, bright yellow in color and mammilate. The seed are ellipsoid, white and glabrous. The flowering season is through out the year