Cow Itch
Mucuna pruriens, Cow itch, Velvet beans, Kauchh, Kiwach
Botanical Name : Mucuna pruriens
English Name : Cow itch, Velvet beans
Hindi Name : Kauchh, Kiwach
Sanskrit Name : Markati, Swayamgupta
This plant is native to India and is found all over the country. Besides, it is also found in many tropical countries like Fiji, Guam etc. This vine is also found in China, Japan and Philippines.
Mucuna pruriens is a member of Fabaceae plant family. This is a twiner. The leaves are 3-foliate, silky and lanceolate. The flowers are purple in color and bloom in August to December. The pods are turgid and curved like letter S at both the ends. The Pods are covered with persistent irritant hairs. The beans are black in color.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Diterpenes and Forskolin are obtained from this plant.
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Gujarati: Kaucha, Kawach, Bhairavsingi
Marathi: Khaj kuiri
Bengali: Aalkushi, Dhunargund, Suiashimbi
Kannada: Nayisonanguballi, Nasukugunari
Tamil: Punaippidukkan, Punnekalli
Malayalam: Naicorna
Telugu: Pilliadugu