Dipteracanthus Prostratus
Dipteracanthus prostratus, Ruellia prostrata, Bell weed, Black weed, Dhamin
Botanical Name : Dipteracanthus prostratus, Ruellia prostrata
English Name : Bell weed, Black weed
Hindi Name : Dhamin
Sanskrit Name : Dhanvan
Dipteracanthus prostratus is a plant commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Australia and in African countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Madagaskar.
This weed is a member of Acanthaceae (Ruellia family) family. The synonym is Ruellia prostrata
This is a prostrate perennial herb. It is a small, straggling, much branched herb it is purple at the nodes, internodes are long and hairy. The leaves are ovate or elliptic, accute hairy, entire with narrow base. The flowers bloom in August – September to October. The flowers are nearly sessile, axillary, solitary or few together. Pale blue to light violet and occasionally white in colour, braceoles like leaves but smaller. Calyx are – partite and hairy. Corolla are infundibuliform with narrow tube. Capsules are many seeded.
This weed is a member of Acanthaceae (Ruellia family) family. The synonym is Ruellia prostrata
This is a prostrate perennial herb. It is a small, straggling, much branched herb it is purple at the nodes, internodes are long and hairy. The leaves are ovate or elliptic, accute hairy, entire with narrow base. The flowers bloom in August – September to October. The flowers are nearly sessile, axillary, solitary or few together. Pale blue to light violet and occasionally white in colour, braceoles like leaves but smaller. Calyx are – partite and hairy. Corolla are infundibuliform with narrow tube. Capsules are many seeded.
Believed to be anticancer against the epidermis of the nasopharynx region and slightly hypoglycemic. The weed may be potet diuretic.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Dhaman, Kali dhaman
Marathi: Kali Dhavani
Bengali: Dhamani
Tamil: Pottakanchi
Telugu: Neelambaram
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