Cassia occidentalis, Senna occidentalis, Fedegoso, coffee senna, Kasaundi, Agauthi
Botanical Name : Cassia occidentalis, Senna occidentalis
English Name : Fedegoso, coffee senna
Hindi Name : Kasaundi, Agauthi
Sanskrit Name : Kasmard
Cassia occidentalis is a herb common in India. It is found in many parts of the world, like Central and South America.
This plant is a member of Caesalpineacae plant family.
This is an eract herb or under shrub. It is stout and glabrous. It grows to a height of about 90 cms. The leaves are 10 to 15 cms. long. The leaflets are membranous, thinly hairy beneath and sub-sessile. The flowers are bright reddish yellow, terminal and axillary racemes. The pods are laterally compressed and linear-oblong. The seeds are sub-cylindrical, greenish brown, smooth and glabrous. The flowering season is throughout the year.
This plant is a member of Caesalpineacae plant family.
This is an eract herb or under shrub. It is stout and glabrous. It grows to a height of about 90 cms. The leaves are 10 to 15 cms. long. The leaflets are membranous, thinly hairy beneath and sub-sessile. The flowers are bright reddish yellow, terminal and axillary racemes. The pods are laterally compressed and linear-oblong. The seeds are sub-cylindrical, greenish brown, smooth and glabrous. The flowering season is throughout the year.
In Ayurveda the leaves and the seeds used for treatment of diabetes, inflammation, ulcers and leprosy. It is bitter, sweet and purgative.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Kasundro
Marathi: Kasvinda
Bengali: Kalkasunda
Kannada: Kolthogache
Tamil: Nattam takarai, Payaverai
Malayalam: Mattantakara, Ponnavir
Telugu: kasvindchetu, Peditangedu
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