
Boswellia serrata, Frankincense, Salai guggal

Botanical Name : Boswellia serrata

English Name : Frankincense

Hindi Name : Salai guggal

Sanskrit Name : Sallaki,


Frankincense is a tree commonly found in many parts of India.

This plant is a member of Burseracea plant family.

This is a tall deciduous tree with a 10 to 15 meter height. The leaves are 10 to 15 cms. long, alternate and at the end of the branches. The leaflets are sesille, ovate or ovate lanceolate and hairy. The flowers are white and in axillary racemes at the end of the branches. The drupes are 1 to 1.5 cms. glabrous. The pyrenes are reticulately veined, glabrous and retused at one end. The flowering season is December to April.


In Ayurveda the bark and the gum known as guggal are used for treatment of Asthma, dysentery,ulcers, skin diseases, Bronchitis, and jaundice. The fruits are used as pickle. Recently Salai guggal has shown good hopes for treatment of Bladder Cancer

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Sarfal, Dhupelio, Dhupedo, Saledu

Marathi: Salai

Kannada: Tadiku, Tadkingid, Anebyal

Tamil: Kudrunkam

Malayalam: Chitinti

Telugu: Parangisambrani


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Indian Spices

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