Glory Bower
Clerodendrum phlomidis,, Glory Bower, Arni, Agethu or Ganiari
Botanical Name : Clerodendrum phlomidis
English Name : Glory Bower
Hindi Name : Arni, Agethu or Ganiari
Sanskrit Name : Agnimonth
In India, both the plants are known as Arni. Clerodendrum phlomidis i.e. Arni is small herb common in hedges in India and Sri Lanka. Clerodendrum myricoides i.e. big Arni is native to Africa. It is also found in India.
Arni, Clerodendrum phlomidis is a small herb. This herb is a member of Verbenaceae plant family. The leaves are opposite, deltoid, ovate, hairy from below and wavy. The flowers bloom in August to February. The flowers are in small rounded terminal panicle. The flowers are white or pinkish and are very fragrant.
Arni, Clerodendrum phlomidis is a small herb. This herb is a member of Verbenaceae plant family. The leaves are opposite, deltoid, ovate, hairy from below and wavy. The flowers bloom in August to February. The flowers are in small rounded terminal panicle. The flowers are white or pinkish and are very fragrant.
Dash Mool which is a very powerful combination of ten different roots to improve body vigor and maintain good health contains Arni Root. The pulp obtained from the crushing of the leaves is applied externally on swellings.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Gorakhmundi, Kalaar
Marathi: Gorakhmundi, Barasbondi
Bengali: Murmuriya
Kannada: Mundi, Bondthar, Kiyo bodtar
Tamil: Kotak
Malayalam: Mirangani, Adakkamanian
Telugu: Bodsar Pichetu
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