Golden Shower
Cassia Fistula, Indian Laburnum, Golden shower tree, Amaltas
Botanical Name : Cassia Fistula
English Name : Indian Laburnum, Golden shower tree
Hindi Name : Amaltas
Sanskrit Name : Karnikar
Cassia fistula is a native of India but it is found and cultivated in South Asia and many tropical warm countries.
This tree is of Febaceae plant family. This is a small tree. The leaves are parpinnate. The stipules are small. The leaflets are 4 to 8 pairs. The flowers are in dropping racemes, yellow in color and fragrant. The pods are long cylindrical and pendulous. The seeds are many, imbedded horizontally in sweet dark coloured pulp.
This tree is of Febaceae plant family. This is a small tree. The leaves are parpinnate. The stipules are small. The leaflets are 4 to 8 pairs. The flowers are in dropping racemes, yellow in color and fragrant. The pods are long cylindrical and pendulous. The seeds are many, imbedded horizontally in sweet dark coloured pulp.
The pulp of the fruit is a very safe laxative. It is also useful in heart diseases. Pulp of the fruit and leaves are generally used as Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Garmaalo
Marathi: Bahava
Bengali: Sonali, Bandarlatti, Amltas, Rakhalnadi
Kannada: Heggake
Tamil: Komare, Konrai
Malayalam: Vishnu Konnai, Katkonna
Telugu: Railkayaa
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