Gymnema sylvestre, Miracle fruit, Gurmar, Madhunashini, Chhhoti Dudhilatta
Botanical Name : Gymnema sylvestre
English Name : Miracle fruit
Hindi Name : Gurmar, Madhunashini, Chhhoti Dudhilatta
Sanskrit Name : Meshashringi
Gymnema sylvestre is a plant native to India. This plant is generally found in Southern India.
Gymnema sylvestre is a member of Asclepiadaceae plant family. This is a woody climber. The leaves are ovate, elliptic, small in addition, acute. The flowers are yellow and in umbellate cymes, bracts small. Calyx of 5 segments and deeply divided. The follicles are beaked and the seeds are comose.
Gymnema sylvestre is a member of Asclepiadaceae plant family. This is a woody climber. The leaves are ovate, elliptic, small in addition, acute. The flowers are yellow and in umbellate cymes, bracts small. Calyx of 5 segments and deeply divided. The follicles are beaked and the seeds are comose.
The sugar will not taste sweet if tasted after chewing the leaves of this herb. The herb is useful for stimulating the heart; it increases urine secretion and good for the treatment of Diabetes 2 type. The leaves are useful for the Ayurvedic herbal medicine.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Gudmar, Medhasingi, Kharsingi (please note that this herb is different from Garmar which is used as pickle)
Marathi: Kavali, Bedaki, Bedakuli, Kalikardori, Kaoli, Medhsingi, Bhedsingi
Bengali: Gadalsingi
Kannada: Kadhasige, Sannagera, Sannagerasehambu
Tamil: Adigam, Amudupushpam, Ayagam, Kogilam
Malayalam: Chakkarakkolli, Madhunasini
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