Indian Gentian

Swertia Chirata, Indian gentian, Bhuchiretta

Andrographis paniculata is many times confused with swertia chirata in Ayurvedic literature, but both are different plants.

Swertia Chirata is an annual herb. It grows to about 5 feet in height. The leaves are oval, pointed and lanceolet. The flowers are greenish white. The fruits are tiny capsules.


The plant contains an alkaloid Chiretta. The plant has a bitter taste. Chiretta is useful in treatment of fevers of different types, also, it is useful in curing indigestion. All five parts of the plant, the root, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits are useful as Ayurvedic medicine.

Pl visit – for more details

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Kariyatu

Marathi: Kirayat, Bhu nimb

Kannada: Nelaberu

Bengali: Kalmegh

Tamil & Telugu: Nilavembu

Malayalam: Nelavepu, Kiriyattu


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Medical Plants

Herbs and human health can never be separated

Herbal Remedies

herbal remedies derived from herbs and spices

Indian Spices

Spice enhances the flavor of food.


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