Jatropha Gossypifolia
Jatropha gossypifolia, Belly-ache bush, Ratan jyot
Botanical Name : Jatropha gossypifolia
English Name : Belly-ache bush
Hindi Name : Ratan jyot
Jatropha variety is found in Africa, North America and Carribean, in India it is wildly cultivated in Tamilnadu, southern part of India.
This plant is a member of Euphorbiaceae plant family..
This is an about 1.5 meters tall shrub, with deep-reddish brown stem and branches.The leaves are 5-11 x 6-13 cms.3-5 lobed, crimson red, lobes elliptic-obovate.The flowers are deep red, and in terminal, 3-5 cms. long with trichotomous cymes.Capsules are 1 -1.5 cms.long, 3 lobed, smooth,glabrous. The seeds are 0.6 cms. long, oblong,glabrous, greyish – brown with pale yellow or brown strophiole.Blooming season through out the year.>
This plant is a member of Euphorbiaceae plant family..
This is an about 1.5 meters tall shrub, with deep-reddish brown stem and branches.The leaves are 5-11 x 6-13 cms.3-5 lobed, crimson red, lobes elliptic-obovate.The flowers are deep red, and in terminal, 3-5 cms. long with trichotomous cymes.Capsules are 1 -1.5 cms.long, 3 lobed, smooth,glabrous. The seeds are 0.6 cms. long, oblong,glabrous, greyish – brown with pale yellow or brown strophiole.Blooming season through out the year.>
In Ayurveda the oil from the seeds is used for treatment of eczema and skin itches, though the main use is as renewable source of energy as bio diesel.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Ratanjyot
Kannada: Chikka kada haralu
Bengali: Lal bherenda
Tamil: Siria Amanakku
Malayalm: Chuvanna Kadalavanakku
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