Carissa congesta, Karanda, Karonda
Botanical Name : Carissa congesta
English Name : Karanda
Hindi Name : Karonda
Sanskrit Name : Karmard
Karanda is a herb common in India It is also found in Myanmar, Srilanka,Indonesia, and other South East Asian countries.
This plant is a member of Apocynaceae plant family
This is an evergreen shrub with light-gray or yellowish-brown, rough, scaly bark. The leaves are coriaceous, elliptic oblong or ovate oblong and glabrous. The cymes are terminal, paniculata. The fruits are small ovoid oblong or ellipsoidal, glabrous deep purple and nearly black when ripe. The flowering season is February to June.
This plant is a member of Apocynaceae plant family
This is an evergreen shrub with light-gray or yellowish-brown, rough, scaly bark. The leaves are coriaceous, elliptic oblong or ovate oblong and glabrous. The cymes are terminal, paniculata. The fruits are small ovoid oblong or ellipsoidal, glabrous deep purple and nearly black when ripe. The flowering season is February to June.
Karanda is as fruit used for pickles. The fruit is sour in taste, the skin is somewhat hard. As medicinal herb it is used for treatment of diarrhoea, anorexia, skin diseases,scabies and prurites, as per Ayurveda.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Karamdaa
Marathi: Karvinda
Bengali: Karamcha
Kannada: Karjige
Tamil: Kalakkai
Malayalam: Karakka
Telugu: Peddakalavi
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