Leptadenia Reticulata, --, Jivanti, Dodi
Botanical Name : Leptadenia Reticulata
English Name : —
Hindi Name : Jivanti, Dodi
Sanskrit Name : Jivanti, Jivantika
Leptadenia Reticulata, Jivanti, Dodi is found in many pars of India, like Gujarat, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh. and also in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mauritius, Madagascar,
This herb is a member of Asclepiadaceae plant family. Synonym – Cynanchum reticulatum
This is a twiner found on the hedges. The leaves are small, coriaceous, ovate accute and base rounded. The flowering season is June to August. The flowers are small, greenish yellow in colour, in umbillate cymes. Calyx 5 lobed. Follicles are smooth, turgid, tapering to a short curved beak. The seeds are comose. The roots are white or buff coloured.
This herb is a member of Asclepiadaceae plant family. Synonym – Cynanchum reticulatum
This is a twiner found on the hedges. The leaves are small, coriaceous, ovate accute and base rounded. The flowering season is June to August. The flowers are small, greenish yellow in colour, in umbillate cymes. Calyx 5 lobed. Follicles are smooth, turgid, tapering to a short curved beak. The seeds are comose. The roots are white or buff coloured.
The whole plant is used, The plant is restorative, and general tonic. The plant contains a triterpenoid, leptadenol (C30H50O).
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Dodi, Radarudi
Marathi: Hiranvel
Bengali: Bhadjivai
Kannada: hiriyahalle
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