
Glycyrrhiza galba, Liquorice, Licorice, Jethimadh, Mulhathi

Botanical Name : Glycyrrhiza galba

English Name : Liquorice, Licorice

Hindi Name : Jethimadh, Mulhathi

Sanskrit Name : Madhuuka, Yashtimadhu



This is a small herb found in South East Europe and South West Asia. Liquorice farming is very common in many parts of India.

Liquorice is a member of Fabaceae plant family. This is a small shrub. The leaves are multifoliate. The flowers are pale blue, purple alternatively, violet in color. The flowers are racemes from the axils of the leaves. The roots which yield Liquorice of the commerce, are hard in addition, form branches.


The roots yield Liquorice extract of the commerce which is used in confectionary. It is very good cure for sore throat, mouth ulcer, asthma, bronchitis and other allergic coughs. It is also used for treatment of duodenal ulcer. The roots and extract derived from the roots are used for Ayurvedic herbal preparations. Licorice reduces potassium level in the body so care should be taken in consuming licorice in case of hypertension.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.

Gujarati: Jethimadh

Marathi: Jyeshthimadh

Bengali: Yashtimadhu

Kannada: Yashtimadhu, Shakankattage

Telugu: Yashtimadhukkam


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Medical Plants

Herbs and human health can never be separated

Herbal Remedies

herbal remedies derived from herbs and spices

Indian Spices

Spice enhances the flavor of food.


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