Malbar spinach
Basella rubra, Malbar spinach, Poi
Botanical Name : Basella rubra
English Name : Malbar spinach
Hindi Name : Poi
Sanskrit Name : Upodaki
Malbar spinach is a herb common in India. It is found in many parts of the tropical parts of the world.
This plant is a member of Basellaceae plant family.
This is a climber with red stem succulent and twining. The leaves are alternate, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, cordate at the base. The flowers are white or red in spikes, bracteoles longer than perianth. The fruits are red, white or black globose, utricle is enclosed in perianths.
This plant is a member of Basellaceae plant family.
This is a climber with red stem succulent and twining. The leaves are alternate, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, cordate at the base. The flowers are white or red in spikes, bracteoles longer than perianth. The fruits are red, white or black globose, utricle is enclosed in perianths.
In Ayurveda the leaves are used for treatment of general debility, insomnia, flatulence, anorexia. This vegetable serves as good Salad dressings and as soup ingredient .
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Fatty acids are obtained from this plant.
Gujarati: Poi, Pothi, Mayal
Marathi: Velbendi, Mayal
Bengali: Poi saak
Kannada: Vasale
Tamil: Vasalakkirai
Malayalam: Vasalaccira
Telugu: Pehavachalli
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