Musk Okra

Abelmoschis moschatus, Hibiscus abelmoschu, Musk Okra, Musk Mallow, Kasturi Bhindi

Botanical Name : Abelmoschis moschatus, Hibiscus abelmoschu

English Name : Musk Okra, Musk Mallow

Hindi Name : Kasturi Bhindi

Sanskrit Name : Kasturi Bhinda


Musk Okra is a plant found in many parts of India, it is also found in USA, Peru, Egypt, and South Asia.

This is a plant of Malvaceae family. Synonym Hibiscus abelmoschu.

This is a perennial plant, which grows to a height of about two meters. The stem is covered with hair throughout. The leaves are simple and alternate, of the size 12×18, about 5 lobed and ovate.

The yellow flowers are about nine cm. in size, and axillary, solitary and in terminal raceme. The flowering season is from August – December.

The capsules are acuminate and villous. The seeds are blackish brown reniform, and horizontally striate. Plasmic acid is obtained from the oil.


The fruits, seeds, and the roots are useful in Ayurvedic preparations. They are nutritious, demulcent, emollient, and diuretic. The seeds are stimulant and antispasmodic. The seeds yield an essential oil, which is very valuable in perfumery for the musk or ambrette type fragrance.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Plasmalogen, plasmic acid, essential oils, volatile oils, musk scented.

Gujarati: Kasturi Bhinda

Marathi: Kasturi Bhendi

Bengali: Kalkasturi, Latakasturi, Mushakdan

Kannada: Kasturi bende, Kaadu kastoori

Tamil: Kasturi-vendaik-kay-virai, Kaattu kasturi

Malayalam: Kasturi-venta-vitta, Kattu-kasturi

Telugu: Kasturi-benda-vittulu, Karpoorabenda


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