Myrobalan Belliric
Terminalia bellirica, Myrobalan Belliric, Belleric, Baheda, Baherai
Botanical Name : Terminalia bellirica
English Name : Myrobalan Belliric, Belleric
Hindi Name : Baheda, Bahera
Sanskrit Name : Vibhitaki, Karshah
Terminalia bellirica is a tree native to India. It is found in every part of India.
Terminalia bellirica is a tree of Combretaceae Plant family. Synonym – Myrobalanus bellirica. This is a big tree. The leaves are alternate, coriaceous, elliptic obovate. The flowers bloom in March to May. The flowers are pale greenish yellow in color, in axillary spikes. The fruits are grey.
Terminalia bellirica is a tree of Combretaceae Plant family. Synonym – Myrobalanus bellirica. This is a big tree. The leaves are alternate, coriaceous, elliptic obovate. The flowers bloom in March to May. The flowers are pale greenish yellow in color, in axillary spikes. The fruits are grey.
The fruits are used as laxative. The fruits are useful in bronchitis in addition, asthma. Baehra is one of the three constituent of Trifala. This is a very useful Herbal combination, for many ailments, composing of Baehra, amla and haritaki. i.e. Terminalia bellirica, Phyllanthus emblica and Terminalia chebula.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Plasmalogen, plasmic acid, essential oils, volatile oils, musk scented.
Gujarati: Baheda
Hindi:Bahera, Bahuvirya, Bhutvaas, Kalk, Karshphal
Marathi: Behada
Bengali: Baheda
Kannada: Taarekaayi
Tamil: Tanri
Malayalam: Thaanni
Telugu: Bhutavasamu
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