Pennywort Indian
Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Bacopa Monnieri, Pennywort - Indian, Brahmi, Nir-brahmi
Botanical Name : Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Bacopa Monnieri
English Name : Pennywort – Indian
Hindi Name : Brahmi, Nir-brahmi
Sanskrit Name : Brahmi and Mandukparni
Bacopa Monnieri is a weed, which grows in marshy land. This is found in many parts of the world. While, Hydrocotyle Asiatica is an herb native to India and Australia.
Bacopa Monnieri is a member of Scrophulariaceae plant family. This is a small, succulent creeping aquatic herb, rooting at the nodes. The leaves are opposite, decussate, sessile, fleshy and blackdotted. The flowers bloom in January to May; the color of the flower is pale blue or white.
Hydrocotyle asiatica is a member of Apeaceae plant family. This is a small creeping herb. The stem is slender, rooting at the nodes. The leaves are 1 to 4 from each node. The flowers bloom in May to November. The flowers are pink in color.
Obtained Chemical Compounds
Guggulsterone is obtained from this plant.
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Hydrocotyl asiatica [Centella asiatica]
Common English name: Indian Pennywort, Coinwort, Asiatic coinwort, American coinwort, Spadeleaf
Hindi: Brahmi, Brahma manduki
Gujarati: Brahmi
Marathi, Bengali: Brahmi
Kannada: Vondelaga
Tamil: Vallarai
Malayalam: Kodangal
Telugu: Saraswataku
Bacopa Monnieri
Common English name: Water Hyssop, Indian pennywort,
Hindi: Jalbrahmi, Jalneem
Gujarati: Bamb, Jalnevri, kadvi Luni
Marathi: Bamb
Bengali: Brahmi Saak, Bimb
Kannada: Nirubrahmi, Nirondelag
Tamil, Malayalam: Nirbrahmi