Pennywort Indian

Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Bacopa Monnieri, Pennywort - Indian, Brahmi, Nir-brahmi

Botanical Name : Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Bacopa Monnieri

English Name : Pennywort – Indian

Hindi Name : Brahmi, Nir-brahmi

Sanskrit Name : Brahmi and Mandukparni


In Ayurvedic literature both the plants – Bacopa Monnieri and Hydrocotyle Asiatica [Centella asiatica] are known as Brahmi and both have been used as Ayurvedic medicinal herb for the similar properties.

Bacopa Monnieri is a weed, which grows in marshy land. This is found in many parts of the world. While, Hydrocotyle Asiatica is an herb native to India and Australia.

Bacopa Monnieri is a member of Scrophulariaceae plant family. This is a small, succulent creeping aquatic herb, rooting at the nodes. The leaves are opposite, decussate, sessile, fleshy and blackdotted. The flowers bloom in January to May; the color of the flower is pale blue or white.

Hydrocotyle asiatica is a member of Apeaceae plant family. This is a small creeping herb. The stem is slender, rooting at the nodes. The leaves are 1 to 4 from each node. The flowers bloom in May to November. The flowers are pink in color.


In Ayurvedic literature, both the herbs are known as Brahmi. Actually Pennywort – Indian is known as Brahmi and Bacopa monnieri is known as Jal- Brahmi or Nir- Brahmi. Both the types are used as very good nerve tonic and sedative with very good effect on stress. Extracts of leaves are used in Hair tonic preparations. Leaves are useful as Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Guggulsterone is obtained from this plant.

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Hydrocotyl asiatica [Centella asiatica]

Common English name: Indian Pennywort, Coinwort, Asiatic coinwort, American coinwort, Spadeleaf

Hindi: Brahmi, Brahma manduki

Gujarati: Brahmi

Marathi, Bengali: Brahmi

Kannada: Vondelaga

Tamil: Vallarai

Malayalam: Kodangal

Telugu: Saraswataku

Bacopa Monnieri

Common English name: Water Hyssop, Indian pennywort,

Hindi: Jalbrahmi, Jalneem

Gujarati: Bamb, Jalnevri, kadvi Luni

Marathi: Bamb

Bengali: Brahmi Saak, Bimb

Kannada: Nirubrahmi, Nirondelag

Tamil, Malayalam: Nirbrahmi


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