Puncture Vine

Tribulus terrestris, Pedalium murex,, puncture vine, goathead, Chhote Gokharu

Botanical Name : Tribulus terrestris, Pedalium murex

English Name : puncture vine, goathead

Hindi Name : Chhote Gokharu

Sanskrit Name : Vana shrungatak


Tribulus terrestris is found in tropical climates of the world. It is found mainly in India, America, and Australia.

Pedalium murex is native to India. In Ayurveda Tribulus terrestris is known as Kanti Gokharu and Pedalium murex as Boda Gokharu. Medicinal uses are more or less same for both the varieties.

Tribulus terrestris is found in tropical climates of the world. It is found mainly in India, America, and Australia. Pedalium murex is native to India. In Ayurveda former variety is known as Kanti Gokharu and later as Boda Gokharu. Medicinal uses are more or less same for both the varieties.

Tribulus terrestris is an herb of zygophyllaceae plant family. This is an annual herb. The leaves are about 1 to 5 cm. long. The leaflets are 3-6 pairs and oblong to ovate or elliptic. The flowers are yellow. The fruits are about 5 to 12 Cms. In diameter with 2 hard spines.

Pedalium Murex is a member of Pedaliaceae plant family. A small herb that is much branched with scaly glands. The leaves are opposite, fleshy, base narrow, lower surface with small scales. The flowers (Oct-Dec) are bright yellow. The seeds are hard with horizontal spines from four angles.


The whole plant is a Tonic. the roots of Gokharu are, one of the constituents of Dash Moola. (Roots of Ten Herbs), this is a powerful combination for many ailments. The fruits which are as small berries are anti spasmodic in addition, aphrodisiac. The fresh leaves and stem which are kept in water form thick mucilage. This mucilage is priced highly as a tonic and it cures spermatorrhoea, dysuria and impotence. Gokharu is one of the constituents of Rasayan Churna. Rasayan Churna is a combination of Galo, Gokharu and Amla, three common herbs. These herbs can be accounted as herbal supplement because of body vitalizing property.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Tribulus terrestris

Gujarati: Kanti Gokharu

Marathi: Sarapte, Dhakte Gokharu

Hindi: Chhote Gokharu

Bengali: Goxuri, Chhote gokhuri

Kannada & Telugu: Chiripilleru

Tamil: Palleru-mullu ,Neranjal

Malayalam: Nerinill

Pendalium  murex

Hindi: Bade Gokhru

Gujarati: Boda Gokharu

Marathi: Mothe Gokhru

Bengali: Gokhari

Kannada: Dodu Neggillu

Tamil: Anne neringall

Malyalam: Kakmulla, Kattu Nerinill, Annenerinn

Telugu: Peda paleru


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